28 Jun

One of the most frequent methods for transporting/repatriation of human remains is via aeroplanes. However, like most transportation from foreign grounds are never, in fact, a simple or straightforward process. A proper understanding and familiarity within the transportation/repatriation of remains can provide control and aid to the procedure.

If your loved ones died away from his/her homeland and wish to be interned there, you will certainly need to opt for transportation and know the repatriation cost for the process.

Embalming the body is often a mandatory rule in several countries.

A body will have to be prepared to be embalmed, most commonly as some states and countries have a mandatory rule for requiring deceased bodies to be embalmed before being transported or repatriated. It is one of the few things you need to know aside from the repatriation cost and process. Knowing the rules and regulations of a state and country will help you understand the process of transporting human remains. If this process is against your religious belief, it's best to reach your local religious leader.

The cost of transporting a body via aeroplane depends on numerous factors such as weight and destination.

The responsible authorities will measure most deceased bodies throughout the procedure as it is being prepared for transportation. Apart from that, Transportation agencies will use the destination and distance of travel to gauge the cost of repatriation or transport of the deceased body. The funeral homes will likely ask for a fee as well.

You can opt to escort the body.

Some families may opt to escort the body on a passenger plane and arrange a plan to collect the body at the preferred or set destination. It is most likely that the option will add more expense to the list. Also, you need to be aware that a funeral home representative may still pick up the body at the airport.

Are you looking for more info on the repatriation of human remains? You can visit or contact Flying Home for more details on repatriation cost.


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