01 Jan

A funeral can cost a lot so better be prepared to avoid burdening your family when the time comes that you have passed away. According to a leading personal finance portal in Southeast Asia, Moneysmart, a funeral can cost up to a thousand dollars! Thus, it is better to get a funeral plan as soon as possible. Here’s why you should get one: 

1. Proper Closure

Having a funeral plan allows you to arrange your funeral ahead. Your family will be at ease when you left them specific plans to follow because it will give a sense of proper closure to them. 

2. Fast & Easy Processing

It will be easier for your family to get the money and use it for your funeral. It eliminates the long and tedious processes of fund transfers and funeral benefits on the day you pass away.  

3. Provide Financial Assistance

Your family does not have to find immediate funds for your funeral since they can get the financial assistance right away from your funeral plan. They do not have to worry where should they get the funds for it. 

4. Avoid Debts

The cost of funeral services continues to rise because of inflation. Because of this, your family is most likely to get in debt if you are not prepared for your funeral. To avoid additional costs and financial burdens, consider getting a funeral plan now. 

5. No Stress

The loved ones you have left won’t be left with the overwhelming stress of planning a proper funeral when you die. All of the plans have been laid out already so they won’t be second-guessing what you would have wanted on that day. 

6. Ease Your Family’s Burden

Your family will surely be under emotional stress. In order for them to properly grieve on your funeral, you should plan everything ahead by availing a funeral plan. 

Some of the funeral services in Singapore offer funeral plans or insurance that allows you to arrange your burial or cremation ahead of time. Consider getting one because it will be a great help to your family in the future. 

Looking for a reliable funeral director in Singapore? Check out Ang Chin Moh now at http://www.angchinmoh.com.sg/!

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